Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Eyre Peninsula

The plan was to go to South Australia to go fishing. Coffin Bay was our goal but, since we had a couple of weeks, sightseeing was something we might also do. Little did we realise the spectacular scenery that abounded in this part of the world.
I have spoken to people since who said it was boring, nothing there etc. Suffice it to say they visited none of the places we trekked into.
Should you go there, make sure you visit the coastline, that's where 90% of the good stuff is. And don't be frightened to go on dirt roads, that's the mistake most people make.
Here are some shots from our trip in May 2006.

This is a shot of some rock formations called Murphy's Haystacks

This is one of two sculptures left from a symposium held around 2000. It sits on a cliff top on the Great Ocean Drive out of Elliston

Murhpy's Haystacks are inselbergs, a type of granite formation and are just south of Streaky Bay.


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